We just celebrated another year...
Another year of life for her, another year of being a momma for me.
My girl just turned four. She's been in preschool for over a year now and we're quickly approaching kindergarden. How can this be?
I remember hearing my parents say, "you've grown so fast, just yesterday you were a baby." Now suddenly here I am with a four year old, making decisions on where I'll be sending her to school next year. I often talk to Makena about what she wants to be when she's bigger. Her response is always, "Elsa or Anna...." I try and push a little harder for a "real" response. "Do you want to be a doctor?" She usually says yes to whatever it is that I ask or a new response is, "I want to be what you are momma, so we can be together."
That response melts my heart and reminds me of why I went back to school at thirty as her momma. I went back for her. I'm attending college not to be a doctor, but to get into the medical field. To provide for her, to continue my education. To show her that education is important, no matter how young or old you are. After I completed high school, I didn't really think I needed college and I don't think I really even took high school all that seriously. I just assumed things would fall into place, that life would be easy. It's not and it wasn't. I want different for her. I want her to know that school from a young age is important. That preschool is important, that next year kindergarden will be huge and will mark a journey that will continue on for a life time.
Makena is eager to start "real school" next year. She wishes she could go tomorrow, I'm not sure if I've made school exciting for her or if it's just something she's learned on her own, but either way we're ready. We prepare our school days they same way every morning, breakfast and a glass of milk, we call it milky. Everyday I remind her that milky will make her stronger and help her grow so she can go to kindergarden, high school, college and become Elsa or even a Doctor. Each time this momma stops to get her coffee my girl requests a milk box...She relates milk to growing and her future.
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