My girl is growing like cray cray. Seriously. STOP IT. The chick is so funny and such a talker. She comes up with the funniest things...ever.
Our days are so hectic it's hard to remember sometimes to step back and take it all in. Slow it down. So, sometimes randomly, I'll pick her up and we'll go out on an adventure. This night we decided to go to our fav mexican resturant in town. My girl's highlight of eating at this place is getting her own bean dip to dip her chips in...she dips the chip, sucks the beans off and hands me the chip..."here you go momma." Uhhh, yum, thanks Bug.
It's been so hot the early days of October so we took advantage of sitting outside.
Our little down town is cute. Right on Main Street. Quiet little town.
After dinner we decided to take a walk to the train station...Chick dies of excitement when she even hears a train (even a BART train) so having a train station super close is soooooo fun for her. The look on her face when a train comes is hiliar...seriously. The little things in life.
On our walk towards the train station we passed a little creek where Beavers have settelled in...
People this is HUGE in my town.
We even have a Beaver Festival.
We found the dang Beavers people!
She was stoked...
"The swimmin' momma"
"Beavas momma!"
Heard the choo-choo...gotta go Beavers...
And we waited...
I'm planning a day trip with her to take the train up to Sacramento. Train museum. Old Sac. It'll be heaven for her!
I love these types of adventures with her.
It's lots of work being a single parent. Working. Living life.
But to have these moments with her. They're soooo important.
I need them as much as she does.
she's so precious
Xo Megan
I cant stand her cuteness!
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