
Monday, October 15, 2012

same patch, different year, a tradition...

I have a crazy obsession with traditions. I need to go to the same place or do the same thing each year. I need to do it for the picture, for the memory. We may only spend one minute there, but if that minute makes a memory, pulls at my momma heart...I'll have to do it over and over. 
Every year.
We've got a local pumpkin patch and I took my Bug there as a new born, then last year and again tonight. I will do this for as long as this chick lets me. Same picture spot. Same pumpkin poses. Anything that screams yearly tradition.


One thing that obviously hasn't changed is this momma's need for wearin' sunnies....every year, every picture...Really Dani??


This....oh this is what being a momma is all about. The memories. The traditions...
That's what makes this momma happy....



Lindsay Nicole said...

I cant believe how big she is getting! Missed you and sorry for being MIA.... But I LOVE traditions... even if for a picture :) Happy Monday miss!


Carly said...

She's adorable and so is your outfit!!!


Bonnie Way aka the Koala Mom said...

Aw, those are cute pictures! It's fun to look at all three years together.

Bre said...

This is SO cute! I too have stubbornly continued a childhood tradition of going to the pumpkin patch (and apple orchard, in my case) on to my little one. I LOVE the photos of your little girl through the years. I actually said out loud, "Awwww!" lol

Bre said...

This is SO cute! I too have stubbornly continued a childhood tradition of going to the pumpkin patch (and apple orchard, in my case) on to my little one. I LOVE the photos of your little girl through the years. I actually said out loud, "Awwww!" lol

NikG said...

You have a gorgeous girl! We were just at the pumpkin patch last weekend! Great shots.

P.S. Stumbled here from the Mom's Monday Mingle.>

Julia P F said...

Darling! I do the same thing. It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

That is soo cute, I have the same style of picture from 6 months to age 4 with the pumkin measuring stick

Shannon :: The Scribble Pad said...

Super Cute! I love year to year traditions. I go to the same pumpkin patch each fall with my son Behr.

I found you via the link up today, but thought your daughter would look adorable in the hair clips that are my blog giveaway today!

Giveaway: Caterpillar Head Hair Clips

Kilee Nickels said...

I think it is awesome that you do this. How fun to look back on the same photo! I wish I were better at doing this! Thanks for linking up this week!


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