
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

a trip to the zoo...

This new life is definitely making me step out of my comfort zone...and I'm happily doing just that. These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, a lot of living has been happening, a lot of searching within to find where my happiness will be. My happiness in this moment is far too much to express, it started with being here and feeling at ease and is developing into much more than I could have expected. My main focus is and always will be my daughter and her happiness. Her happiness was a special trip to the zoo...

When I talk about stepping out of my comfort zone I'm not exaggerating...I'm in a new city with a toddler and I'm in a car I'm not totally familiar with. Thank the heavens for GPS. But always, always check the hours of operation before you head out somewhere...I decided to take it upon myself to just drive...We pulled up to the Folsom Zoo and it's closed on Monday's...whoops...To the Sac Zoo it was...

I'm determined to venture out of my comfort zone more often...explore this city and all it has to offer. I'm not going to be scared to just get up and go. There is far too much this world has to offer me and my daughter. I came here to find a new life and I feel it's exactly what I'm doing...what we're doing.

Things have a way of happening, sometimes it's slow other times it's fast...whichever way it is, go with it. I took the biggest leap by moving and taking myself out of the only comfort zone I've known. I'm rebuilding slowly but my happiness is reshaping quickly.

I have a support system here that I've never imagined I'd have. I'm forming relationships in areas that I never thought I'd find. My daughter is loved and extremely happy...we're adjusting extremely well...

I have always believed my daughter deserves the world. No matter how I can provide for her or what I can give her I'll do anything. If it's a quick trip to the zoo, a walk to the park or bubbles in the back yard. As long as she knows I'm doing everything possible for her and that she knows every minute she's loved, I believe my job as her momma will be successful.

Our life is our story and I'm excited to continue writing it...word for word...chapter by chapter. We all will have a bumps in the road and Lord knows I've had my share, but we can not let our comfort and our ways get in the path of the life we are actually meant to live. Finding your voice and making your choices is extremely challenging...but once you do it's so powerful...

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

What a fun day :) Love the pics!!

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