
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

mini golf...

Have you ever mini golfed with a three and a half year old?

Boy oh boy...what an interesting adventure to say the least...

It starts off with excitement and having absolutely no concept of what the heck golf is. Lot's of smiles. "Ohhhh look at this cool ball mom..." Then within minutes....pure frustration sets in...on both our parts.

There we're lots of smiles...and there was lots of golfing...Or attempting to golf...We spent A LOT of time at each hole...and we might have skipped a few... shhhhhh....and there may have been a lot of sitting as well...

For her and I....

But there was lots of bonding...We're good at that. She can test my patience and push my buttons...but man the love we have for each's the good stuff. The best stuff.

I'm not too sure golf is either one of our games... 

But it sure was fun...

And we'll be heading back soon...

Or maybe later...



1 comment:

Betty Johnson said...

Playing mini golf with such a young child is sure to be interesting. That would be especially true if she didn't even know what golf was. It seems like you had fun, though. Maybe I should take my niece mini golfing sometime. I bet she would love it.

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