
Friday, August 17, 2012

See I'm back on track with the rest of the bloggin' world...
Keepin' it real peeps...

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen some of these...
If you aren't following me...
You should!

 Last weekend I when I was visiting my sister we went shopping at Gap.
I fell in love it that brighter than bright yellow shirt.
It's just a t-shirt...but it really rocked my world.
Also those ripped jeans.
Oh the things you pay more for in life!

Sippy cup, sippy cup...
One for you. One for me.
I started a hash tag on Instagram
Come tag your photos!

Do you rock leopard pants.
I do. Happily.

She's making the funniest faces lately.

Ice cream date after her normal bed time...
Breakin' the rules...Breakin' rules!

Blue on blue on yellow and a bun.

We have a park right down the street from our house...
We don't go very often and I'm not sure why...
We love parks.
And that cup that she's carring...
It was an apple juice (she never drinks juice) but she wanted this "princess cup"
So now we live and breath the "princess cup"

Who doesn't like swings?
I even got my big ol' booty on one!

I have a closet FULL of dresses.
I fail on ironing.
This morning, I ironed.
I win!

A little morning love from my sweets...

Hope everyone had a great week and a happy weekend!



Lindsay said...

You are the most stylish momma. LOVE U!

Michelle {Jarrah Jungle} said...

I am loving the punches of yellow just gawjus!

Holly said...

Hi! I am a new follower of yours on Instagram! Love your blog, have been following for a while now!


B @ then there was we said...

love following your mama/baby adventures on instagram (i'm adioslunesazul). also love seeing how you and the munchkin trudge right along with big smiles on your faces. :) i've been following for a while now and recently nominated you for a Liebster Blog--check it out here:


Billy Ocean said...

Thanks for the pics! Very stylish. If you or anyone you know is looking for help check out the New Life House site. It is a great place! New Life House - A Structured Sober Living

Amanda said...

Hi! I am your newest follower and i absolutely love your style, you have such great fashion sense:) I would love a follow back at :)

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