
Monday, October 22, 2012

can't get enough...

I can't get enough of being a momma.
I can't get enough of my chick.
I can't get enough of moments spent with her.
And we really can't get enough of Pumpkin Patches.

I've been telling my little girl how lucky she is these days. I'm trying to teach her, even at such a young age to appreciate things, places, traditions. I want her to know that we don't need to do these things. I want her to know that we do these things for memories. For fun. I tell her that these are things good girls get to do, I tell her that mommy wants to take her to special things because I love her. I want her to know that if she's naughty, fun things won't happen. I want her to understand good things come to good little girls. 

When I tell her we're going somewhere or we get to do something...she looks at me and says, "I lucky momma?" I look at this sweet little girl, that I'm raising alone for the most part and couldn't be more proud. I'm teaching her things and most importantly she's learning. She's appreciating the little things I can do for her...

I'll take her to a million pumpkin patches over and over...because we enjoy them...she enjoys them. We don't have to go far and we don't have to spend any money. We can spend ten minutes or we can spend an entire day...either way it doesn't matter to her. She's out exploring and she's spending the time with her momma. She's in heaven. So am I.

What is it about fall...pumpkins...the crisp air that's creeping in...

Falls the start of holidays, sweater wearing, cold, heaters on and lots of time snuggling...
I'm not sure if I was ever a huge fall fan. This year, oh boy...this momma thing and fall flow hand and hand. I can't get enough...

We've got a few more patches lined up, pumpkin carving, crafts, trick-or-treating and lots of snuggling to be had...

I declare October as Pumpkin Patch fest on the blog...forgive me...but I can't get enough of them. The memories...


Holly said...

Im breaking my daughter out of daycare early and taking her for an afternoon at a pumpkin patch and frozen yogurt.

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!


Lindsay Nicole said...

I Love these pics and love all the traditions you are making! And love that you are trying to instill such good lessons at sucha young age... What the world would be like today if more parents did this... Happy Monday to an awesome mommy!


Anne Birdsong said...

Hi Dani, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from Mom’s Monday Mingle.

Wow, your love for your little girl is beautiful and infectious. I love it! And I love that you're soaking up that time with her, esp now with the pumpkin patches. Keep it up, Mama!

Anyway, it’s nice to “meet” you! Hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

My Froley said...

what a great lesson you're teaching her. Her hair is getting so long !!! and how cute are those little curls at the back, adorable. you keep going mama, you and your daughter are just beautiful and sound like 2 lovely people.

Unknown said...

so sweet. Your little pumpkin surrounded by little pumpkins.

Following ya now from Monday Mingle and lovin' it. If you are up for a bit of a ride come join me as we ride the wave of life at guaranteed to be filled with ups and downs and everything in between and I'd love to have you with us.


Jillian Carreira said...

I wish we did something like this here in Trinidad, it looks like so much fun. Thank you for sharing and posting such lovely pics.

Lindsay said...

You amaze me! I need to change my mindset and see rainbows and butterflys in single parenting. HELP!

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