
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

a 30th celebrated....

That's right...

A 30th birthday was celebrated...

My 30th..
I suppose I've delayed the sharing of the 30th because it was just so easy. I've been waiting for thirty for a while...I've been excited for thirties. My twenties were just plain complicated. I got married far too advise, if you ever marry...wait until you're in your thirties. Till you know who you are. I was a wife. I worked useless jobs. I owned a home. I had a baby at twenty-six and before I was twenty seven I was separated on my way to divorce. Twenty eight, divorced with a baby, first time ever being alone...I started to find who I was, who I am, at twenty eight/twenty nine...

And now I'm thirty. And happy to be thirty. 

Thirty seems like the new twenty for me. It's my time to really figure out me, what I'm about, what my passions are, where I want to be and where I'm headed. Figure out my life for me, simple as that. For me, my twenties were rushed and chaotic. I thought I had everything figured out, when in reality I  had no direction and no goals. 

Thirty is to be celebrated. Embraced. I don't see it as a negative thing in any way. I have so many positive things in my life at the moment and a future with goals and direction...all because I've chosen to find myself.

The day it's self was celebrated indeed...with the little person that calls me momma. It was perfect. 

We painted.

We chatted.

We laughed.

 And we made memories.

The day was celebrated in a good way.

I've been thirty for a little over a month now...and I'm loving it.

Happy thirtieth to me. Embrace it.


Lindsay said...

I feel like the worst friend ever. How did I miss your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!

To The River said...

Happy birthday and stay the course! (-:

To The River said...
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