
Thursday, January 17, 2013

2012 recap...

Just because we're in the middle of January doesn't mean it's too late to reminisce on what 2012 brought us...the good, the bad and the uhhhh better?

I've been going through past blog posts of 2012 and boy...I've been through a lot. I blogged a lot about my feelings and my struggles, with bits of fun sprinkled throughout. I want this year to be much more fun filled and less about struggles with a little bit of my feelings throughout.

I came across my resolutions for 2012 and this struck me as something I'm still striving for:

Become an inspiration for others. Mothers, single mothers, young girls, woman...anyone.

I want to tell can do it. If you're struggling with your thoughts, your'll be ok. You will be ok.

In mid-January I filed for divorce. Which was one of the hardest decisions I had to make...but I had reached my point, the end of my rope. I struggled with feeling like I failed myself and my daughter. But the reality is, I haven't failed anyone my girl proved I was doing everything right when she called me mommy for the first time. I went on to celebrate my 28th birthday with great friends and family. I made a list of things to do in my 28th year, which I haven't crossed off many yet...I need to get cracking! I joined Instagram and it has forever changed my life....seriously. I'm obsessed. Follow me will ya? @newlife48.

The summer soon arrived and I took my girl to one of my favorite places ever. It's the same place I grew up. A road trip to Tahoe for the day. We did a little photoshoot and spent our days swimming. I started working out and participated in The Color Run which was super fun and I plan on doing yearly! I shared a glimpse of our nights at home. I opened myself up to friendships and trusting again. My sweet girl turned two and we celebrated! 

Like I said before I opened myself up to friendship and I'm so thankful I did because I met my soul sister Lindsay who I talk to about's amazing what the Internet can do! Makena and I spent practically every weekend in October at Pumpkin patches. Which brought me to thoughts of being a single momma. I started exploring fashion and feelings. Quickly December came and we were in true Christmas spirit.

2012 was a year leading to indenpendence and being secure with who I am...I'm more open and ready to explore who I am while finding my place in the world...or at least my place for the year 2013. I'm still very passionate about inspiring others like I said last year and I do feel my little place in blog land has touched a few souls....and that makes me extremely happy. I hope you follow along on journey because we have huge things in store for 2013...the biggest being the news I shared last week.




Dash Interiors said...

It looks like you had a huge year and got a lot accomplished and still had some fun!
Great post

Julia P F said...

Sounds like you have a lot to be proud of!

Lindsay said...

Im so proud of you! So happy we met last year! xo

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